The Depot Programs / The GAP Program/ New Beginnings, Bennington VT 05201

S eall Inc, has been providing community based residential treatment programs since 1971. Seall is committed to quality and unparalleled service to troubled individuals, their families and their communities.

Below are our four facilities located in Bennington VT.

All donations are greatly appreciated.

Seall Values

  • You are responsible for your own behavior, your choices have consequences. 
  • You are responsible to the larger community and for the impact your choices have. 
  • Prejudice is wrong; everyone deserves to be treated with respect. 
  • Violence is unacceptable. 
  • Education is important, it defines the road to success. 
  • Work is important; it should be carried out with pride.

The Depot Programs


The Depot Programs can accommodate a maximum of 12 residents that range in age from 13-17. They are designed as staff secure stabilization programs.

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The GAP Program


The Depot GAP Program was first opened September 2016. “GAP” stands for “Girl’s Adolescent Program” and also indicates the critical role this program fulfills in bridging the “gap” between a resident’s troubles of the past and their promises of the future.

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New Beginnings

The New Beginnings Program is a transitional living program for youth entering adulthood from state custody.
The mission of this program is to create a strong foundation and instill the confidence and skills necessary to live a better tomorrow.

Miss you all, I’m at the Vermont School for Girls and I miss you guys so much. Former Resident
To Gap Staff
Dear Depot St Staff, We just want to say thanks – our son is doing well partly because of the care and encouragement you’ve given him. We will always be grateful for that. Yours is a difficult and challenging job, yet you manage to keep kids physically and emotionally safe at a time when they have little control over themselves or their lives. Keep up the good work and thanks again.”
A lot of the staff helped me get through tough times.
Thank you
Hi I was a resident at gap I just wanted to thank the staff for supporting me and helping me through my tough times honestly without your program I wouldnt have made it home and I thank u guys for that my life has been easier since I was in the gap program. I thank all the staff for helping me get through the hard times u guys don’t know how much I appreciate all the staff there thank you for everything.  
Thanks for treating me like a person, not a felon.
Former Resident
To the staff that works here, Thanks for being so supportive, you guys taught me a lot. This place helped me think about what I have done and what I want to do in my life. Thank you guys
Former Resident at The Depot Gap
Dear 206, Thank you for keeping me safe and healthy. You guys helped me beyond anything I could imagine. Thank you all. You all are close to my heart. From: Former Resident
Dear Gap Program
Dear 204 Depot, Thank you for the great job you do. Everyone I have spoken to or have met has been great. I especially appreciate your tolerance when I was calling daily. I was dealing with our son being out of our care for the first time… While showing infinite patience while dealing with my sons challenging behavior you still remembered that he is a kid who enjoys a sneak of cake or brownies at night… You guys are doing a great job and were certainly an answer to our prayers. Sincerely, Resident’s Parent “P.S. Kudos to Fred for being so”
Resident's Parent
Dear 204 Staff, Thank you for being there when I needed you. Thank you for supporting me when I was struggling. Thank you for being the family I didn’t get to have. I will miss you all so much and I promise to call and check in. You all helped me even when I treated you like I didn’t need you. You kept me safe and cared for. You may not be family to me by blood, but you were the only stable family I had. Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for brightening my day. I’ll never forget what you all did for me, I’m gonna miss you!   A Former Resident
Only Stable Family
Dear Shelby, Thanks for everything you do and have done for me, it’s much appreciated. Also this next thing your about to read may seem & sound a little bit weird, but it is completely and totally 100% truth. Shelby you’re the closest thing to a mother that I’ve had in six years and that is why it was so hard for me to leave 206. Yes it is probably a little weird for me to feel this way but I have not had someone that I feel is like a mother in six years so it is unusual for me as well. I would appreciate if you could figure out a way to get up here and visit me as soon as you possible can. Please write back as soon as possible please.
Sending Thanks
Thanks for everything, staff helped out a lot, good food and friendly staff.
Former Resident
I have been making good choices. I have been begging to come back. You guys are a great program. Never forgetting about anyone. We make jokes everyday about you guys. Hint they nothing bad. Love you guys and miss you guys. Former Resident
To Gap Staff
Dear 204 Staff,   I was at 204 in 2019-2020 and I just want to say thank you for the staff that helped me out. You all changed me for the better. I would greatly appreciate if Emmo or Murphy saw this. Best.   A Former Resident
Thank You 204
Dear David, Thank you, once again for providing a workforce to assist with preparations for the Bennington Free Library’s 2018 book sale. The annual book sale is an important fundraising event for the Library and funds raised from the sale are used for programs, technology resources and operating expenses. Without the assistance of the 204 Depot Street Program, our ability to hold the annual sale and provide important services to our community would be in doubt. You, Emilio, Billy and your young charges worked very hard to move books to the Baptist Church and we are very appreciative of your effort. Thank you for helping to make it happen, and your ongoing support. Sincerely, Lynn Fonteneau McCann Director
Bennington Free Library
The staff was all I could ask for in a placement.
Former Resident
A lot of the staff helped me get through tough times.
Former Resident
Derek is very positive and he helped me out a lot… I appreciate everything Capri has done for me… Lastly I would like to thank all of the staff members in general for being there…
Former Resident
I just wanted to thank everyone at 206 for helping me through the hardest time in my life. You all encouraged me in many different ways. You all mead me laugh, smile and even helped me when I thought it was the end or that I couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to give up. Each and everyone of you inspired me in one way or another. Thank you all for everything you did for me. Hope life treats you all well. Sincerely   G.A.P. Resident
Former Resident
The staff always treated me with respect.
Former Resident
To my Jamie/James:   Dear Jamie, My god…. Where do I start?? You have been there for me since day one. Writing this makes me much more than sad. I’m honestly so not ready to say goodbye to you. I’ve gotten so used to having you to lean on, what am I going to do? Even through the rare disagreements, I have always been thankful to have you and grateful that god gave me a second chance at life and put me here, and told me it was okay to let you in. Thank you for teaching me that there really is people that genuinely care about me, and that it is okay to let my guard down. That it is okay to trust people, and let people in. You made me feel wanted, and more importantly, you made me feel loved for the first time since I can remember. You never gave up on me, even when I gave up on myself. You helped me find the strength I never knew I had in me to push forward every single day.  You helped me realize I can be much more than I ever dreamed of being. You made me believe in myself. I’ve never strived to be anything because I didn’t think it was possible to be anything for people like I once was. I thought god dealt me the hand he did on purpose and that the only thing I was ever going to be good at was doing drugs. I would’ve thought I was dreaming if someone tole me I would be where I am today, a few months ago. I seriously couldn’t have made it this far without you. I never thought someone could ever impact my life as much as you have, especially this positively. I’ll never forget you. I will forever hold you closest to my heart. You’ve been the best mom figure that I thought I could only get in my dreams. Thank you for making me look  forward to waking up every morning. Thank you for helping me get through each day completely sober, for the first time since I can remember. I would’ve never thought this time would come, where I feel so empowered and without the help of a single drug in the world, but solely off of passion that is now so strong that I couldn’t have found without you. For all of this, I Thank you the absolute most. Love – “A former resident”
Hi,. My son recently spent 3 months with you before being (finally) sent on to a Residential Treatment Ctr. I was very impressed with your staff during his stay there. Please find enclosed a donation to your program. While you may feel free to use the money as you see fit, my hope is that you will use it in the following way. Your staff is your greatest attribute. I hope that this might help you to recruit, retain, provide continuing education, or in whatever manner might help you to keep and reach out to quality staff. This in turn helps to benefit all the boys who pass through your doors. I think you are doing great work and will continue to do so. Sincerely,  A Grateful Parent  
Grateful Parent
Merry (late) Christmas and Happy New Year! I wanted to send a note and an update on my son. I know he was a very trying teen while going through your program. We all shared in our fustrations with him together! He has now been home with us (his family) since May. We’ve had some minor bumps along the way but overall we’ve seen a night and day change in him. Our family moved in August and he has settled in well at school. His grades are great and he’s on track to graduate High School in June! I know you all put your hearts and souls into helping all the teens that come through your program without always finding out their outcome or getting any thanks for that matter! I feel this is a long over due Thank You from Me (Mom) for everything you’ve done to lead him in a positive direction. It truly takes a village (sometimes a large city) to raise a child and I am so very grateful for the infulence you allhave had on him and the other kids that go through your program. I know you all must have tiring days where you might thinks you arent getting through to the kids, but you all make a difference. Seeds are planted even if you don’t see those seeds grow. Your work is Appreciated! Thank you so much from the bottom of my Mama’s Heart….
204 Staff
Dear Staff at 119 River St. I would just like to say how much of an amazing impact you have made on me and my life. I know I have not been the easyest kid to deal with! I know this for a fact! Being in this program for 3 months and seeing all these girls Learn and grow because of you amazing people. It’s the most amazing thing to watch. To also see myself learn and grow while being here and to have the help and support to make the big steps that I needed to make possible. I never would have been able to do it without you guys. The one thing I was scared of when going into residential was there not being a family aspect and no one who cared about me! But being there with you guys made me feel like I won the lottery, I could never ask for more. Thank you for what you do, every girl who walks thru that door is lucky to have all of you.
Sending all my Love

The Depot GAP residents show their creative skills with colorful artwork

Seall  Business Office at 116 Benmont Ave. in Bennington.

Contact Us


Business Office802 442 4997

The Depot Program 802 442 6156

The GAP Program      802 447 3907

NeBe                                                                                               802 549 4987     


Business Office

204 Depot

119 River St.

208 Depot